Friday, November 26, 2010

6 Things America Can Learn from England

6. Metric System.
Come on, America. This just makes sense. Stop trying to be special.
[Image Source]
5. Electric Kettle.
A brilliant invention that I did not know existed until I came to England. Fill with water. Flick a switch. Vavoom! Instant boiling water. Not a tea drinker? No problem. Use it to boil water for pasta, oatmeal, hot chocolate, rice, a warm bath, chemistry experiments, medieval castle defense reenactments.
It's amazing!
4. “I can’t be bothered.”
The single greatest line in the English culture. Examples of its usage:
“I was supposed to write an essay last night, but I couldn’t be bothered.”
“I need to go to the gym, but I can’t be bothered.”
It is a brilliant line, because it is not an excuse and it is not a complaint. It simply states the facts, “I can’t be bothered.” America, please take note.
[Image Source]
3. Tea Time
I cannot count how many times I have been invited over to someone's house "for a tea and a chat." It is a beautiful tradition-- just taking time out of the day to enjoy a warm mug, community, and conversation. America, we have a lot to learn.
[Image Source]
2. Public Transportation
In the United States, unless you are in a big city like New York City or Boston, a car is necessary to get to one place to another. In many cases, if you do not have a car, then you cannot have a job, because you cannot get to a job. But without a job, you cannot earn money to buy a car. Vicious cycle. I have been in England for two months now, and I have not been inside a private car or even had the need to be inside a private car. I get everywhere by bus, train, subway, taxi, or even, yes, on foot. Walking 30 minutes one way is not uncommon here. It won’t kill you; it will actually make you healthier. I hope to add bike to my list soon.
Walking to class. I place safe walking paths under public transportation.
1. Harvest Morn Cereal
Is it legal to marry cereal? How about a civil union?
True love.


  1. Hey! I agree; I love all these things (except maybe the cereal; never tried it), and they make all the sense in the world. I'm still trying to get the shop to switch to metric. Losing battle, I guess. Glad you're doing well.


  2. that water thingy is awesome.
    except i have to disagree with roundabouts there is one in paris that is huge and theres so much traffic its actually really dangerous cause its really hard to get into it in the first place and there are a million mopeds zipping around it.
