“We’ve canceled your position,” My boss told me 24 hours
after landing in Nome to work at KNOM at their Public Affairs Director. “There
is no Public Affairs position. You’re now a News Reporter.” She explained I
would retain the public affairs duties of Elder Voices and Profiles but those
tasks would be secondary to reporting news. The shift would balance the
responsibilities of the News Department while making the department, which
consists of the News Director and two News Volunteers, a cohesive team.
As my years of theatre improv training taught me, when
presented with new information, just say yes. “Sounds great,” I said.
My first task as News Reporter was bending my mind from the
shape of composing long form human interest stories to spitting out short news
stories. I prefer mulling over my writing, wandering into the dictionary and
thesaurus, placing words on the page like a Buddhist monk places individual
grains of sand on a mandala, always gravitating towards timeless, doughy themes,
nothing topical.
News rejects such indulgence. “Get it on the page and
accurate,” my boss said when explaining news writing. “Forget perfectionism. A
story a day is the goal.”
And let me tell you, it’s a rush. Combing news sites.
Interviewing. Researching. Picking up the phone and dialing any person on any
topic with the words, “I’m a reporter,” throwing open doors and mouths in full
permission for nosiness. And the work is interesting, ceaselessly, whisking my
brain from one topic to the next: adolescent obesity to caribou migration to
fusing Native healing with Western medicine, for example.
It’s also a mental
Stairmaster. Because news is a french fry—hot and salty one moment, cold trash
the next. It doesn’t retain relevancy. News is what is happening now or what is
going to happen. By the time it’s broadcast, it has expired. So the mind keeps
climbing, grasping flashes in the pan.
By the way, I’ve been here three weeks. Before arriving I
had never written news, broadcast live, edited audio, called for an interview,
conducted a field interview, or touched broadcast equipment. Three weeks in,
I’ve done all that. I’ve even dj’ed.
The KNOM staff induces this rapid transition. Though I came
to KNOM with zero experience, walking through the door, the staff treated me as
a radio news reporter. Instant belief. Instant support. Brief but thorough
training. That mindset transferred to me, allowing me three weeks after walking
into a radio studio for the first time to have already broadcast live news
stories that I wrote.
No surprise to me that you are flying. Thank you for the update Anna Rose!