Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Final Hilltop News Article

(Preface: While abroad, I have been writing a Feature Article for my home university’s newspaper The Hilltop News on the subject of studying abroad. This is my final Hilltop News article, and yes, with 1,500 students, everyone at BSC sees each other around and knows everyone at least by sight.)

There is a lot I did not get to do because I studied abroad. I did not get to audition for Light Up the Sky or take Advanced Acting. I did not get to attend SoCo, and I will not be at graduation. I did not get to sit for hours in the caf or by the fountain talking with friends. Most importantly and most gutting, I did not get to share that time that laughter that stress that conversation that year of life with those friends. In an article published in September, I wrote, “Studying abroad for my junior year is a once in a lifetime opportunity but so is living at BSC with my friends for that year.” I stand by that statement. I could have stayed at BSC this past year and have been happy.

But I didn’t stay.

I lived in England. I climbed the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland. I danced in a pub in Scotland. I mobbed the Harry Potter movie premier in London. I read aloud “Dover Beach” by Matthew Arnold standing on Dover Beach, a dream held since senior year of high school. I placed my hand on the Berlin Wall. I ate tapas in Barcelona. I stood next to a best friend atop a hill in Wales at sunset and watched the doors of my life swing open and saw the only thing standing in my way was me. I fell in love with traveling and discovered a confidence I could trust. I learned that home can never be replaced and home can be created. Thousands of miles from everything known, I created a life that I could fall in love with, and I shared that life that time that laughter that stress that conversation with people who I absolutely do not want to leave.

I fiercely, lovingly, passionately encourage studying abroad. Like I said, I could have stayed at BSC this past year and have been happy, but I thank God every day that I chose another course and found happiness along the way.

I will be back at BSC in the fall for my senior year. To my readers, thank you for reading. These words are meaningless without you. I am at a disadvantage now; you know my story, but I do not know yours. This will not do. When you see me on campus next year, please, approach me and say hi. If you are interested in my time abroad or have questions about study abroad, then please talk to me. I want to answer your questions and to talk with you about my experience. Furthermore, I will need to talk about my time here, because though I will love living on the Hilltop again, I will grieve not being in England.

Readers, thank you again.
BSC, shall we have one last go around the sun?

Just some of the people who made it all worth it.

Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland

Storr Mountain, Scotland

Harry Potter Movie Premier in London, England
Caught in the Mob 

Reading "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold on Dover Beach

Berlin Wall in Berlin, Germany

Sangrada Familia and Guell Park in Barcelona, Spain

Abergavenny, Wales

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