Friday, May 13, 2011

Amusing/Disturbing Signs from Abroad

Location: London, England
TennesseeLand? In London? Whaaat???
(Btw, there are no TennesseeLands in Tennessee.)

Location: A rest-stop in Scotland
Winner of the 2010 Loo of the Year Award
My lucky day.

Location: Scotland
The fact that I did not see any children in this area leads me to believe that the children to beware are either A.) invisible, B.) ninjas, or C.) nocturnal vampires. Thankfully, I left the area unscathed.

Location: Dublin, Ireland
Reads: "Litter is Disgusting. So Are Those Responsible."
Telling it like it is.

Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Reads: "All I did was spit my gum on the street...Now he won't speak to me! Litter. It's not a good look."
They are serious about littering on that island. "I use bins" is a pick-up line.

Location: Hostel Food Cupboard in Dublin, Ireland
Jonathan Swift's hometown taking "A Modest Proposal" to a new level.

Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
What else did I expect to find on my one night in Belfast? The 7th Annual Nashville Songwriters' Festival, of course. And let me tell you, you don't know nostalgia until you're thousands of miles from home, and without warning, a stranger picks up a guitar and sings in that unmistakable twang "take me back to Tennessee."

Location: Dublin, Ireland
I thought I left these signs on the roadsides of the Deep South in Bible Belt, USA.

Location: Derry, Northern Ireland
Who knew?

Location: Plane somewhere in Europe
Please explain the logic of all airline stewardess wearing heels and then having to exit the plane barefoot in an emergency.

Location: St. Ives, England
Induction into English drinking culture begins early.

Location: London, England
Where are you? I'll listen.

Location: London, England
Apparently, beauty costs more than 20p.

Location: Berlin, Germany
Too school for cool.

Location: Berlin, Germany
This is terrifying. I will never buy your product. 

Location: Berlin, Germany

1 comment:

  1. LOVE.
    David needs to put his montage together too...:)
