Monday, May 2, 2011

5 Food Groups of the English University Student

If you are what you eat, then the English university student is drunken starch.

1. Alcohol
I swear the English have evolved super-human livers or else they would all be dead before leaving university. They consume more alcohol than oxygen.

2. Tea
2-6 Cups a day is standard.

3. Toast
It’s a snack. It’s a meal. It takes a literal minute to prepare. Serve slathered in margarine or Marmite.

4. Pasta
It’s cheap. It’s easy. It’s filling. It’s a university student’s only real meal.

5. Chips
Americans, think thick-cut fries. Every grocery store has a frozen row of them. Restaurants serve them with every meal, including breakfast. They are smothered with any substance that can fit inside a plastic container, glass jar, tin can, or shaker. They are served piping hot and turn stone cold within a minute of landing on the plate. No matter how many you get, you always want more.

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