Saturday, October 30, 2010

Josh Ritter

Josh Ritter is one of those rare artists where every moment I spend listening to him, the world becomes better and I become better. I extend my already 40 minute walk from class just to listen to him for a few more minutes.

Here are some of my favorites. Have a listen.

Girl in the War


Snow is Gone

Bright Smile

For another great artist, see my tribute to Damien Rice here


  1. Monster Ballads - Josh sings to me...mentions my name.

    Josh is love :)


  2. Yes, another great song.
    Agreed. Josh is love.

  3. I doubt it'll surprise you, but I'm a big Ritter fan. The two songs that have kept me going in England for the last few weeks are. Come and Find me and Other Side, as if you remember I spent a lot of time in the midwest and always drink too much Whiskey for my own good. Both are from Golden Age of Radio if my memory serves me right. If you aren't familiar with them you should be, you need to take a look at my Ipod, you may be surprised over some stuff. COME AND TAKE ME TO MASS...I want to say sweetheart, or babe, or love, or something like that, but I'll just say Anna Rose. Best, Mr. Morgan


  5. My favorite by him is Lillian, Egypt. Though "Come and Find Me" and "You've Got the Moon" have been playing constantly on my Ipod lately.

    Snow Is Gone and Kathleen have special meanings for me. I had no idea you liked him- he's my favorite recording artist...seen him live 4 times! Love it when his fans come together.

    Also love reading of your adventures across the pond!

