Monday, October 25, 2010

Just So You Know

I have been informed that my posts are depressing and anyone reading them will now never chose to study abroad.

Yes, some posts were sad, because for the first two weeks, I was not happy. And I have not posted much since then.

But I have been here four weeks.

The third week I felt myself warming up.

The fourth week I realized that I cried when I got here and I will cry when I have to leave.

Today, I am the luckiest person on earth, and I just might never leave.

Happy posts to come. There are so many stories to tell.

Do not let my first two weeks discourage you from studying abroad. They were rough but necessary, and it is important for people to know that the beginning might be hard. But getting through them is worth it.

Studying abroad is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am living one of the happiest moments of my life. Come join me. Everyone should experience this.

(Fyi: "Clarity" is a very happy post. Life opened up after I realized what it is trying to say, and it was realized many days before it was posted.)


  1. dear anna,
    whatever anyone says. do not edit yourself.

  2. If you see a moth, know that someone is thinking of you :) Know that you are missed, Anna Rose. Lava you!! -Anna
