Saturday, August 27, 2011

10 Things I am Excited about for 1st Semester Senior Year

1.) Tackling my friends in giant hugs who I have not seen in a year. Friends, wear football pads.

2.) Living, talking, laughing, stressing with those friends. We’re seniors! How the heck did that happen?

3.) Being part of the BSC theatre department again! WHOOO!!! I am forgoing moving in my Bruno suite and just moving into the theatre. We all know that is where we theatre majors live anyway, occasionally venturing into the outside world to, you know, purchase props and paint.

4.) Having that first conversation with someone who I have never met, one of my absolute favorite things in this world.

5.) Walking across campus at 3am and then running into someone and talking with them for an hour when we both have an essay due the next day, which neither of us have half written. Procrastination, I am determined to break-up with you this year.

6.) BSC chapel visits. I know no building more calming.

7.) Being with my family for Thanksgiving this year!

8.) Writing some more “Tea Time” for the Hilltop News, BSC’s newspaper.

9.) My favorite library study carrel. Wait, I shouldn’t be excited about that.

10.) Late-night runs that finish by the pond-in-identity-crisis. Shhhh… It thinks it’s a lake.

Lake/pond, make like Lady Gaga and be who you are, baby!

[Image Source]

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