Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Studying Abroad = Missing Out?

I fiercely, lovingly, passionately encourage everyone to study abroad, but studying abroad is not for everyone. It is a decision that requires you to honestly ask yourself, “What do I want from my college experience?” For some people, what they want is four years at the same school with the same people. That is the choice most people make, and they have an incredible four years. Other people chose to take a year or a semester and study abroad. Whichever option you chose, trade-offs exist; you have to decide which trade-offs are worth it.

The trade-off people say they are most afraid to risk by studying abroad is “missing out” on their family, friends, and campus. Yes, you will miss out. There is no nice way to say it and no reason to sugarcoat it. You will not be here; life will go on without you and things will happen which you will not be a part of. You have to decide if you are willing to miss out on those events and those people in order to live other events with other people. And if you are truly living, then are you really missing out?

Please understand that studying abroad does not mean that you love your family, friends, or school less. You will return to those people and to those places, and do not think for a moment that you will be disconnected from them. Through skype, facebook, email, blogging, twitter, cell phones, and snail mail, you can virtually never leave. But you did not travel to stay in the same place. Stay in contact and foster those relationships from home, but remember to live where you are and to build relationships with the people surrounding you.

In the end, you might return a better person with more to contribute to your family, friends, and school, and through going away, you are now better able to love, appreciate, and help those people and those places you were so afraid to leave. For me, that was and continues to be the case.

Some trade-offs to consider:
Foster the friendships you already have. Make new friends.
Stay physically close to family. Skype with family.
Take that class you really want to take while you are at BSC. Take a class not offered at BSC.
Rise through the ranks of that club or organization at BSC. Remain in a lower position in that club or organization at BSC and join a new one abroad.
Remain in one country and one culture. Live in a different country and experience a different culture.
Stay at the same school. Experience a different school and a different educational system.
Stay on and near campus. Travel.

Back in the USA. Very messy hair and all.

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